First precaution when vising AFRICA or Areas known to have mosquitoes

Get Malaria Quinine which is an anti-malaria medicine. My mother has me taking it whenever I visit home. Make sure before anything else, take Anti-Malaria medicine. It is important to do if one visiting places known to be infested with mosquitoes. Half of the world's population is at risk of malaria Every year, 3.3 billion people are at risk of malaria. This leads to about 219 million malaria cases (with an uncertainty range of 154 million to 289 million) and an estimated 660 000 malaria deaths (with an uncertainty range of 490 000 to 836 000). People living in the poorest countries are the most vulnerable. Every minute, a child dies from malaria In 2010, 90% of malaria deaths occurred in Africa and almost 600 000 African children died. Most of these children were under five years of age. Growing resistance to antimalarial medicines has spread rapidly Parasite resistance to artemisinins was confirmed on the Cambodia-Thailand border in 2008 and is now...