A virtuous lady, faithful in her in her prayers. Daily praying asking GOD for faithful, loving and honorable man for her life. Single life she dedicates it being faithful to the LORD and seeking His council. How blessed does she become just by letting the LORD's will be done in her life and the man she seeks faithfully in prayers??? LET NO MAN LIE TO YOU, only the BEST other Half comes from the Lord. Seeking Him faithfully and not concerning yourself with doing what others are doing. ONLY A GOOD WOMAN/MAN COMES FROM THE MOST HIGH LORD. ~~~~MOVIE: She got pregnant at a young age, abandoned by man she thought she loved and fathered her baby. She did not know what to do, good thing she realized the importance of family. Truly east or west home was best. He mother supported her so she would finish her education which she did but the challenges of single mother hood was no joke. Never thought she could be a single mother and bread winner. Being raised a christian, she went to the Lord ...