One should always be grateful of what they have..........BE GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR HIS BLESSING UPON OUR LIVES.

       Someone somewhere in the world is going through worse and horrible things compared to someone who have food, opportunity to go to school, blessed to have both parents, blessed to walk, speak, hear, move and breath for someone can not do some of this. EDUCATION, having an opportunity to go to school is a blessing. Living in America one gets to see how privileged people are and yet one can open their mouth to disrespect parents or a teacher. Someone in the world begs for an education, crying to have a parent. My first day of class when I came to America, I stood up when a teacher walked in and everyone laughed wondering what is wrong with me, for me I saw it as we should be respectful when an elder walks into a room. I grew up doing this whenever a teacher walked into a class. Later on during class the teacher was talking and some students where busy having their conversation while the teacher talked. I remember when we did that in school back in Kenya, one was told to leave the class. The headmaster (principal) would walk around and give punishment to anyone outside of class while the lessons where going on. Later on I walked in a class where by a student cursed/insulted a teacher and could walk out without a care in the world. The teacher was lenient with the student. That was one thing back in my country, in class, one could not dare to do. I mean an elder should be respected regardless what they said is not agreeable with you.
      In Kenya, if a student did this, the consequences where sever. One would be sent to clean the toilets. There would be so many toilets in school. One one is told to uproot a root stump with a (panga) which was blunt and could not cut anything. Also one would be asked to cut grass on a hug yard with a "blunt panga," which I tell you it is not possible. I had to do it because in school we were all assigned duties to do everyday after breakfast in the morning in boarding school. Some assigned to clean dorms, toilets, bathroom, classes, cut grass, clean pavements, clean windows, clean offices or sweep compounds. There schools are hug and everyone in school has a portion to clean every morning. If someone is given a punishment to clean/work your section every morning, they had to do his duty portion and the punishment portion. Lucky to whoever who had to clean that your punishment portion as their duty for they did not have any work.
      Being in America is a blessing at times because as a student, I do not have to worry about all that. Cleaning school toilets or cut grass with panga or clean pavements. We had to curry two metal buckets of water because that is how much was needed to clean. The water well was quite far. I wish people in a nation like America can realize how lucky they are to be in a nation with freedom. But everyday I am grateful to GOD for this opportunity to live in this nation. I respect my teachers who take time to make sure you understood for back in Kenya, it was never like that. I have seen both sides of harsh and good sides of life some what but I say an glad for the life my mother has given me. She will never understand how much of a blessing she is to my life. Being a single parent I have watched her work hard to give me a good life. Some may say it is nothing but to me it is everything. Being a single parent is not easy. Paying mortgage, feeding me, going to work everyday that sometimes I never saw her because when she comes in late I am asleep and when she is awake am in school when I get home she is at work. People get mad that their parents are not home but they do not see the love their parents have.
       My mother is my life, my everything, my best friend and forever GOD'S GREATEST GIFT TO ME. I love her to bits and peaces. She has been there even when I got mad, she was kind, been there when I need her, she has taught me a lot, we have laughed together, we have cried but GOD has been there for us. I will praise and worship THE LORD forever for the life HE HAS GIVEN ME. I have met amazing teachers in my life who have taught me well. Who have made sure I understand and taught me what I need to know. I thank GOD for them. Even as I continue my uni life, I seek GOD for guidance, wisdom, knowledge and mostly understanding of what HE needs me to do. My life is a blessing from GOD and I would do not regret it one bit. People think just because I am an only child I am spoiled. I pray I am not but it has been a challenge it and a blessing. I have learned a lot and one of my prayers is to make a difference to someone's life. To bless others if it is GOD'S WILL.
      One of the movies I have watched that has inspired me is GIRL'S RISING. It shows how blessed we are if you have gotten an opportunity to go to school. It shows the challenge of girls in some nations. It inspires me to want to do something and help someone. For we are all brothers and sisters in CHRIST. Jesus has shown us how to love one another, stand by each other and help each other. Do not be proud with one has but be grateful to GOD and ask Him what he need each one of us to do. We are called to do something and make a difference.


During Judgment day HE will ask what did you do.........

Metal backet of water we carried in school


Inspiring movie "GIRL RISING" love it, amazing stories. 


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