They served us, IT IS OUR TURN TO SERVE THEM !!! :-)

I am a Vietnam veteran, disabled 100%, and want to tell those who use the phrase "Semper Fidelis" what it means to me. I love and appreciate what veterans have done for my family, and others that may not even realize it. I have and always have had my children living with me their whole lives. They are married and have children, in school, and trying to make it so they can be on their own. Recently, we all had the scare of our lives due to the incompetence of overpaid politicians in Washington. I am going back to work as a truck driver, soon as I complete the CDL school in Dunn, NC. I live out of my SUV since I live in Charlotte, and haven't got the money to drive home on the weekend or for a room or food. I have to do this at the age of 62, because the politicians may squabble again in a few months, and I could loose my disability, which supports the 10 of us. Things are rough at my home, my wife is pretty down on me, but this is something that I do because of the phrase, Semper Fidelis, words that bring out the Marine in me. My son says that I must have huge "family Jewels", but I don't, I just have the love of a Marine that believes in the words SEMPER FIDELIS. I will do anything for my family, and always be faithful to them and fellow veterans such as myself. I hope that some politicians read this and see what it means to be always faithful! I ask for nothing but a chance to do what I can for those I love, so please just give us a chance to prove our devotion to God, the family, and the Corps. Semper Fidelis, Don
Donald Young
Charlotte, NC

WHY SHOULD THE MEN and WOMEN WHO HAVE GIVEN AND PUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE FOR OUR SAFETY BE TREATED LIKE THIS. Men and women who have served our country should be given the treatment they deserve. I would rather the government build homes reserved for the veterans. People who have taken years away from their families to serve our nation should come home and find comfort after such hard work. I MEAN WAKE UP GOVERNMENT. GOD had asked us to help one another especially those put in power. 

I was stationed with Bravo 1st Bn 9th Infantry from Feb 1973 to Mar 1974. This was towards the end of the unpopular Vietnam War. There were to be no parades no big home comings from a grateful public. When i ETS'd, I took a commercial flight home. I decided to fly in full dress class "A" uniform. I wasnt about to let any protesters scare me into not being proud that I served my country. The flights first entry into the US was at Anchorage Alaska. This was a fully loaded DC10 and I was at the end of the line to go through customs with my duffle bag etc. There was a customs agent going back and forth through the line checking documents. When he saw me at the end of the line he came up to me, grabbed my duffle bag, shook my hand and said "Welcome Home". He then escorted me to the front of the line. I will never forget this man.
Nick Iammatteo
Cape Coral, FL

OUR MEN AND WOMEN SHOULD NOT COME HOME FROM WAR AND FIND NO WELCOME HOME CELEBRATION. It is a disgrace for our men and women to come to this. People put their lives before themselves to serve and protect us. we should respect the veterans for our nations would not be where they are if it were not for them. 


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