Kids in privileged nations in bars need to visit kids in other countries. In this video kids in London and States have their own rooms and comfortable beds in jail and parents visit but a country like Mongolia the kids share a cell 6-8 kids per cell and sleep on the floor with little blankets. Parent don't even visit them at all and some don't have the money to afford visits. I REALLY WISH I COULD SPEAK DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, MAYBE VISIT THE KIDS AND EDUCATE THEM.....Kids in other nations don't have it good. I wish I could start a program to educate kids behind bars in some of the nations. HOW BLESSED WE ARE AND SOME OF US DON'T KNOW IT. GOD THANK YOU and teach us how to serve.

We have a responsibility as HUMAN to love one another and make a difference. This kids can change because their minds are still developing. Showing them their is more to life than being a spoiled kid. Taking this kids to see how life is like in some other countries and learn from each other. Not disregarding them at such young age but showing them there is more to life. BOARDING SCHOOL in Kenya for me changed my life and I have seen parent taking their spoiled kids and come back different. Educating kids that regardless where you are born, you can be different. 

MY DESIRE is to show kids behind bars that someone cares and they can become someone in life. I pray to God to give me an opportunity to talk to this kids around the world and showing them there is more to life. 



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